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The reason Behind Shah Jahan’s Choice to Build the Red Fort on the Yamuna’s Banks

When we talk about historical places in Delhi, the mention of the Red Fort is quite common.

This magnificent structure is considered a unique example of the Mughal era.

Its intricate design and artwork remain stunning even today.

But have you ever wondered why Emperor Shah Jahan chose to build the Red Fort right by the Yamuna River? In this article, we’ll uncover the reasons behind this decision.

The Construction of the Red Fort

Emperor Shah Jahan, during his rule, took a span of 10 years to complete the construction of the Red Fort. The building work began in 1638 and continued until 1648.

This prolonged effort contributes to its significance as one of the world’s prominent architectural marvels.

Design and International Attraction

The design of the Red Fort was conceived by Ahmad Lahori, attracting not only people from within the country but also from foreign lands to come and witness its grandeur.

Its remarkable design continues to captivate visitors.

Strategic Location by the Yamuna River

Now, let’s delve into the reasons why Shah Jahan chose the bank of the Yamuna River as the site for the Red Fort.

His strategic reasoning behind this decision is quite fascinating.

Security Considerations

Shah Jahan’s choice to construct the Red Fort by the Yamuna River was primarily due to the difficulty it posed for enemies to attack the fort by crossing the river.

Crossing a river during warfare was a challenging task.

By building the fort along the riverbank, Shah Jahan ensured an added layer of security against potential attacks.

Accessibility to Water

Another reason for building the Red Fort near the Yamuna River was to provide easy access to water for the residents living around the fort.

Ensuring a convenient water supply was crucial for the people in the vicinity.

Constructing the fort by the river solved the water-related challenges faced by the inhabitants.

The Red Fort’s presence by the Yamuna River holds historical and practical significance.

Emperor Shah Jahan’s foresight in choosing this location not only showcased his strategic wisdom

but also contributed to the fort’s enduring appeal as a symbol of India’s rich history.



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