Home Places Global Ranking: Countries with the Strongest Belief in God

Global Ranking: Countries with the Strongest Belief in God

According to statistics, Indonesia is at the top of the list when it comes to people having strong faith.

Around 93% of people in Indonesia believe in God.

Turkey: Second on the List

Turkey holds the second position on this list. Here, 91% of people have faith in Allah.

The way of life and education in Turkey are closely linked to religious practices, allowing people to uphold their beliefs.

Brazil: Third Place

Among the 34 countries surveyed, Brazil ranks third, with 84% of people having faith in God.

Most people in Brazil follow the Catholic faith, and the world’s largest statue of Jesus Christ is located here.

South Africa: Fourth on the List

South Africa is in the fourth place on this list. Due to its colonial history, Christianity is widely practiced here.

Around 83% of the population in South Africa believes in God.

Mexico: Fifth Place

Known for its fame in violence, about 78% of people in Mexico have faith in God. The belief is that every individual should acknowledge a higher power.

Religious Beliefs Across the World

United States: Sixth Place

In this survey, 70% of US citizens express faith in God. The United States is a diverse country with a significant population of people from various religions. Argentina ranks seventh, with 62% of people having faith in God. Meanwhile, Russia holds the eighth place, where 56% of people believe in God.

India: Ninth Place

India holds the ninth position, with only 56% of people having faith in God.

There are also individuals who don’t believe in idol worship but hold faith in spirituality outside organized religion.



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