Home Places Pandava’s 5 Villages Transformations from Ancient Pleas to Modern Towns Near Delhi

Pandava’s 5 Villages Transformations from Ancient Pleas to Modern Towns Near Delhi

The ancient battle of Mahabharata, we all know, began for several reasons, one major cause being the division of land and kingdoms.

It is believed that in this war, more than 100,000 people lost their lives. After days of intense conflict, when no solution emerged, Lord Krishna, acting as a peace envoy on behalf of the Pandavas, visited Hastinapura.

In Hastinapura, Lord Krishna proposed to give the Pandavas only five villages as a peaceful resolution.

1. Indraprastha: The Legendary City

Indraprastha, also known as Shripat, was the splendid capital established by the Pandavas. They transformed the barren land of Khandavprastha into the thriving city of Indraprastha.

Following Lord Krishna’s advice, palaces and forts were constructed here. Interestingly, a place in Delhi still bears the name Indraprastha, where an ancient fort stands, believed to be the location of the Pandavas’ Indraprastha.

2. Baghpat: The Tiger’s Abode

In the times of Mahabharata, Baghpat was known as Vyaghraprastha, meaning the place where tigers roamed.

This region, now a district in Uttar Pradesh, holds historical significance as it was here that the Kauravas plotted to burn the Pandavas alive in the lacquer house (Lakshagriha). Baghpat’s name echoes the ancient tales of valor and deceit.

3. Sonipat: The Golden City

Originally called Swarnaprastha, later known as Sonprastha and then Sonipat, this city in Haryana was referred to as the ‘City of Gold.

‘ Its name signifies the prosperity and richness of the region. Sonipat played a significant role in the epic battles of Mahabharata, witnessing the bravery and strategies of that era.

4. Panipat: The Battlefield of Epics

Panipat, also known as Panduprastha, holds immense importance in Indian history. It is the place where three major battles of Panipat were fought, starting from the time of the Mahabharata.

Situated just 90 kilometers north of New Delhi, Panipat has been referred to as the ‘City of Weavers’ and is synonymous with epic clashes and historical events.

5. Tilpat: Where History Resides

Tilpat, formerly Tilprastha, is a town in the Faridabad district of Haryana, situated on the banks of the Yamuna River.

With a population of over 40,000, Tilpat holds a unique charm. Its ancient roots are intertwined with the tales of the Mahabharata, making it a place where history resides amidst the modern world.



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