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Exciting Sports in UP: The New Tourism Experience

In Uttar Pradesh (UP), there’s an exciting shift happening – now, UP is not just known for its historical and cultural heritage, but also for water tourism and adventure sports.

This change was set into motion during a cabinet meeting led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

They gave their approval to the Uttar Pradesh Water Tourism and Adventure Sports Policy (UP Water Tourism and Adventure Sports Policy 2023) on a Tuesday.

This policy covers a wide range of daring activities that take place in various water bodies and land areas within the state.

Exploring the Natural Beauty and Thrills

Minister of Tourism, Jayveer Singh, shared that Uttar Pradesh has some remarkable landscapes perfect for water-based tourism and adventure sports.

The Vindhya and Bundelkhand regions offer mountains, while the foothills of the Himalayas have around 16,620 square kilometers of forest areas.

These regions feature stunning views, expansive forests, flowing rivers, captivating waterfalls, dams, reservoirs, and lakes.

With these natural features, there are numerous opportunities for water-based tourism and adventurous activities.

Recognizing this potential, the state has introduced a policy that will be valid for a period of ten years.

Former Soldiers Joining Adventure Sports Units

The implementation of this policy will involve creating Adventure Sports Units at the district level through a nodal agency.

This unit will work in collaboration with the State Tourism Development Corporation and the Ex-Servicemen Welfare Corporation to integrate former soldiers into adventure sports activities.

The nodal agency will also assess the capability of different designated land and water areas for water-based tourism and adventure sports.

Licenses for water-based tourism and adventure sports will be issued for each designated area.

Within 60 days of the policy’s release, the nodal agency will prepare a comprehensive plan.

A Fresh Image with Water Tourism and Adventure Sports

With the approval of the Uttar Pradesh Water Tourism and Adventure Sports Policy, the state’s identity is expanding further.

Beyond its cultural and historical richness, Uttar Pradesh is now embracing its natural beauty and offering thrilling adventure sports opportunities.

Residents and visitors alike can look forward to exploring and enjoying the exciting world of water-based tourism and adventure sports in the state.



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