Home News Cityscapes that Empty Pockets Where Even Lakhs Can’t Last

Cityscapes that Empty Pockets Where Even Lakhs Can’t Last

When we step into a market, we often rush towards cheap items, but expensive ones make us think twice before making a purchase.

This applies to clothes and goods, but when it comes to the world’s most expensive cities, the costs might just take your breath away.

In this article, we will shed light on 8 cities that are renowned as costly destinations. Please familiarize yourself with these names for future reference:

Zurich, Switzerland

Planning to stay in Zurich? Make sure you have a substantial bank balance because this Swiss city is counted among the world’s most expensive. High wages and a robust economy make Zurich an ideal place for a lavish lifestyle.

Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva is another Swiss city famous for its high-cost living. It houses several international organizations, and its residents enjoy hefty salaries, contributing to a superior lifestyle.


No list of expensive cities can be complete without mentioning Singapore. It is one of the most expensive cities globally, with sky-high living costs and a currency among the strongest in the world.

Hong Kong

You can’t fathom how expensive it is to live in Hong Kong! Numerous factors, including pricey dining options and transportation, contribute to making it one of the most expensive places to reside.

Paris, France

Paris is renowned for its best-in-class, high-end lifestyle. This city stands as a perfect international destination, with its iconic Eiffel Tower being one of the most visited attractions globally.



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