Home Places Twilight Land: Where Day and Night Coexist in Russia

Twilight Land: Where Day and Night Coexist in Russia

Russia, an extraordinary country, has a surprising feature: it experiences both day and night at the same time in different parts.

In this country, there are a total of 11 time zones. While some places are having breakfast in the morning, others are having dinner at the same moment.

This might sound strange and hard to believe, but it’s true.

Russia isn’t just any country; it’s one of the world’s most powerful countries.

It’s a unique land where daytime and nighttime coincide. Let’s find out the reasons behind this phenomenon.

How Day and Night Coexist

Imagine waking up while the other half of the country is preparing to sleep.

It’s like this in Russia. During the months of May to July, for about 76 days, half of Russia experiences daytime while the other half is in nighttime.

This is why Russia is often referred to as the ‘Land of Midnight Sun.’ Interestingly, vodka, a famous drink, was first used in Russia, earning it the nickname ‘Father of Vodka.’

Fascinating Facts about Russia

1. More Women than Men Russia has more women than men. Women hold a strong presence in this country.

2. The Beard Tax Era There was a time when people in Russia were not allowed to have beards. Breaking this rule meant facing heavy taxes.

3. Drinking Culture Russians consume a lot of alcohol. This leads to around 500,000 deaths due to alcohol-related causes every year, making it the highest in the world.

4. Peculiar Day-Night Experience In the city of Murmansk, Russia, during the long summer days, there’s no distinct feeling of day and night.

The sun never fully sets, creating a continuous feeling of daylight.

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