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Traveling with Kids? Prevent Motion Sickness with These 5 Tips for Happy Journeys!

Nightmare trip with three kids. After few quick turn all three kids getting severe car sickness attack. Nikon D810

Car sickness, also known as motion sickness, is a common issue among children. When kids travel in a moving car, they often start feeling uneasy, and nausea may set in.

This can make them dislike traveling or unable to enjoy it. Parents often wonder how to help their children overcome this problem.

Sometimes, they even consult doctors, but there isn’t always a medical cure. Here, we’ll explain why motion sickness happens and what preventive measures you can take.

What Is Car Sickness or Motion Sickness?

According to Mayo Clinic, motion sickness, or car sickness, occurs when the brain receives conflicting information from the inner ear, eyes, joints, and muscles.

For instance, imagine a child sitting in the backseat of a car, looking out the window at the passing scenery, but their seat is low, or another child in the car is reading a book.

In this scenario, the child’s inner ear senses motion, but their eyes and body don’t.

This discrepancy can lead to an upset stomach, cold sweats, fatigue, loss of appetite, or even vomiting. While this problem isn’t fully understood, it’s more common in children aged 2 to 12 years.

Tips to Prevent Car Sickness in Children

Here are some strategies to help prevent car sickness in children:

  • Encourage children to look outside the car during travel instead of reading books or using mobile devices. Looking outside can reduce the symptoms of motion sickness, and it’s better if they take a nap during the journey.
  • Don’t feed children heavily before travel, especially on long journeys. Provide light snacks like dry crackers or a small drink. Overeating can trigger motion sickness.
  • Ensure proper ventilation inside the car. Fresh air can help prevent motion sickness. Avoid closing all windows or using strong air conditioning.
  • Distract your children’s minds during the trip. Engage in conversations, play music, or sing songs together. Keeping them engaged can make them feel better.

When to Seek Medical Help

If your child continues to experience motion sickness despite trying these preventive measures, consult a doctor.

You can inquire about over-the-counter medications that may help. Also, carrying ginger candies and offering them when needed can provide immediate relief.

Additionally, inhaling scents like mint or lavender may help control nausea.

If your child starts feeling motion sickness while in the car, immediately pull over and suggest getting out for a short walk.

If that’s not possible, encourage them to lie down in the car with a damp cloth or towel on their forehead. This can help your child feel better during the trip.



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