Home Places This Indian Neighbour has the longest wall in the entire World

This Indian Neighbour has the longest wall in the entire World

Around the world, there are many unique places. Some may show you long stretches of land, while others might present the tallest building globally, like the Burj Khalifa.

However, there’s one place in a country where you’ll find the world’s tallest wall. Yes, it’s known as the “Great Wall of China,” and it’s considered the world’s highest wall.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site

This Great Wall of China is part of UNESCO’s World Heritage List and is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

While it’s a prominent attraction today, its significance goes beyond that. Let’s explore some fascinating facts about this place.

The Immense Length of the Wall

The length of the Great Wall is an astounding 6300 kilometers. It’s one of the largest human-made structures in the world.

This wall was constructed over 2,300 years ago, from the 5th century BC to the 16th century AD.

Visible from Space

This human-made wonder is visible from space, which is truly astonishing. What’s even more surprising is that during its construction, rice flour was used as an adhesive to connect the stones.

A Monument Built with Sacrifice

Approximately 400,000 people lost their lives during the construction of the Great Wall.

Those laborers who didn’t work hard enough were even buried within the wall itself.

Chinese emperors built it to protect against northern invasions.

Over Two Millennia of Construction

It took nearly 2,000 years to build this remarkable structure after Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s visionary idea.

The wall’s maximum width is 35 feet, and it includes beacon towers, staircases, and several bridges.

Wide Enough for Vehicles

The Great Wall’s width is so substantial that at some points, five riders or ten soldiers walking side by side can fit on it.

In some sections, vehicles can even drive on it. It wasn’t built by one emperor but by several over centuries.

Challenges and Attacks

The Great Wall was constructed for China’s defense, but it’s not impervious. Many enemies have breached it, like in 1211 when Genghis Khan broke through.

This marvel of human engineering has seen many challenges throughout history.



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