Home Rules Surprising Railway Rules: Smoking on Trains? Brace Yourself!

Surprising Railway Rules: Smoking on Trains? Brace Yourself!

Smoking cigarettes is harmful for everyone, but have you ever wondered what happens if you smoke on a train? Indian Railways has rules about this.

Recently, there was an incident on a Vande Bharat train where a passenger lit a cigarette and set off the smoking alarm. Let’s understand the railway rules related to smoking.

Smoking Rules According to Indian Railway Laws

According to Section 167 of the Railway Act, smoking in trains is considered an offense. Even if fellow passengers ask you not to, if you still smoke during the journey, the railway can impose fines.

Fines for Smoking

The fines for smoking can range from Rs 100 to Rs 500, as per the railway’s regulations. Lighting matches or cigarettes is strictly prohibited.

Railway authorities emphasize that such actions can not only cause fires on trains but also inconvenience fellow travelers.

Sensors Installed in Trains

Sensors are installed in trains to prevent incidents like fires. These systems are placed in more than 2500 coaches.

If someone tries to set a fire on the train, the sensors detect it, helping in averting any potential disaster.

Can You Smoke Hookah in Trains?

As per Section 164 of the Railway Act, carrying any flammable substance onto the train is a punishable offense.

If a passenger violates these rules, they might face imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of Rs 1000.

No Smoking Even in Toilets

Contrary to popular belief, smoking is not allowed even in train toilets.

Throwing a burning matchstick anywhere on the train or its vicinity can lead to a fire, posing a serious threat to passengers’ safety.



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