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IIT Madras Students Unveil High-Speed Delhi to Mumbai Train, Earn Praise from Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman

Children are often considered the future of a nation, and students from IIT Madras have turned this belief into a reality.

They have successfully developed a prototype of a high-speed train that can cover the distance from Delhi to Mumbai in just 2 hours.

Recognition for Their Achievement

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has applauded the achievement of these IIT Madras students.

Their hard work and dedication in working on the high-speed travel project have finally paid off. Sitharaman congratulated the entire team for their remarkable accomplishment.

The Avishkar Hyperloop Project

These students from IIT Madras have been actively involved in the “Avishkar Hyperloop” project. Their recent success in creating a prototype has been a significant milestone.

Around 50 undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students collaborated on this project.

They believe that this transportation technology will become a reality in India within the next decade, enabling high-speed train travel.

How Hyperloop Technology Works

The hyperloop concept involves transporting passengers through a tube in a vacuum, creating artificial vacuum conditions to allow for high-speed travel.

The track between two destinations is designed as a tube, and the vacuum inside enables rapid travel through the tube.

This technology ensures a smooth ride without any air resistance. The prototype developed by IIT Madras students can cover a distance of 350 kilometers in just 30 minutes, reaching top speeds of 700 kilometers per hour.

This means that the 1,405-kilometer distance between Delhi and Mumbai could be completed in just 2 hours.

The Students’ Dedication

Medha Kamajoshula, the lead of the Avishkar Hyperloop project, mentioned that they have worked diligently on this project and will conduct a physical test of the prototype later this year.

If their continued efforts prove successful, India could see the implementation of a high-speed hyperloop rail system on a large scale within the next 10 years.

Elon Musk’s Vision

The concept of the hyperloop was originally proposed by Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla. He envisioned using magnetic force to propel pods through a vacuum tube at speeds of up to 1,000 kilometers per hour.

Since there would be no air resistance inside the tube, these pods could travel at such incredible speeds.

It is gratifying to see that some Indian students have turned Musk’s concept into a practical project and demonstrated its feasibility.

Railway Ministry’s Support

It’s worth noting that last year, the Railway Ministry provided substantial support to the IIT Madras team working on this project.

They received financial assistance of 8.34 crore rupees to develop high-speed hyperloop technology.

The institute proposed the project to the ministry, and after careful consideration, financial support was granted.

I hope this simplified and structured version of the content is easier to understand. If you have any further requests or need additional adjustments, please let me know!



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